"'Barren winter, with his wrathful nipping cold', is about to give place to spring. The poplars and fruit trees on this picturesque farm near Berrima are already putting forth the first shoots of their new foliage"
Sydney Morning Herald - 31 AUG 1940
AS WINTER drew to a close during World War Two, the Sydney Morning Herald pictured a small farm in Berrima - portraying the hope of spring's arrival.

New beginnings
77 years later, the cottage in the lower right corner of this image has experienced a spring-like renaissance.
The passage of time has seen it dwarfed by a 150 year old oak tree, but not much else has changed.
Hand-hewn eucalyptus slabs have emerged from beneath the overlay of 150 years of occupation, revealing their rustic beauty.
Rescued from dereliction
Plaster and lath walls have been gently repaired, a possum re-homed, new galvanised iron has replaced the old rusted and leaky roof and a plethora of artefacts have revealed themselves - handmade nails, broken pottery, a collection of historic glass bottles, even a beautiful crucifix.
The semi-collapsed chimney has been stabilised and repaired, and a wood burning fireplace once again warms the walls and the hearts of those who spend time inside.
The private terrace behind Oldbury Cottage has now become an entertaining area with wicker chairs, a dining table, a BBQ and fire pit. The old oak tree has never looked healthier and the sandstone hut... well, that's next. Maybe...
It's been a long journey back from the brink, but Oldbury Cottage is now ready receiving guests - two at a time. It's the perfect rustic escape from Sydney or Canberra.
