Cedric Emanuel (1906 - 1995) was one of Australia's most prolific and varied artists, famed for producing important historic artworks of outback Australia as well as Sydney's inner suburbs.
Fortunately, Cedric also spent time in Berrima sketching some of its iconic buildings, hotels and homes - most probably in the 1960s or 1970s.
They provide some wonderful insight as to how well the village has been preserved.

#TheOldBakery #TheSurveyorGeneral #BerrimaJail #BerrimaGaol #EschalotRestaurant #Berrima #CrowneInn #CedricEmanuel #HolyTrinityAnglicanChurch #BerrimaCourthouse #Finlayson39sMemorialChurch #BellevueHouse #OxleyStreet #Bakery #Gaol #Jail #OldHumeHighwayBridge #Wingecarribbe #Wingecarribee #StFrancisXavierCatholicChurch #StFrancisXavier #Catholic #OldburyCottage #holidayaccommodation #BerrimaAccommodation #accommodation #luxury #private #bedandbreakfast